I could describe all of the horticultural tasks that I have undertaken so far this spring but instead I will bombard you with photos. It’s prettier!
Tending to the houseplants.
Watching the Pelargoniums come out of their winter dormancy.
Getting far too excited when spring bulbs break the soil surface. These are the Fritillaria imperialis ‘William Rex’ that arrived really late. They’re doing their stuff…..eeeeeeeeeee!!!
More stunning spring bulbs around every corner!
Huge amounts of spring pruning. Whatsinmywheelbarrow? Hydrangea and Buddleja prunings.
Colourful willow prunings.
Here’s a good photo to illustrate how to prune a Hydrangea macrophylla. Simply prune the old flower heads off, cutting back to a nice big pair of fat, green buds.
I have already sown lots and lots of seeds and when the get to this stage they need pricking out into separate modules or pots. In this photo there are lupin, Coreopsis and Nicotiana seedlings all fighting for space.
I have started weaving plant supports and wigwams in preparation for when the growing season kicks off in a month or so.
I have sown onions outside……