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Notes from a Head Gardener

24th March 2015

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It has been a really, really pretty day Happy gardener. 

Spring 2015: so far so good

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I could describe all of the horticultural tasks that I have undertaken so far this spring but instead I will bombard you with photos. It’s prettier!  Tending to the houseplants.  Watching the Pelargoniums come out of their winter dormancy.  Getting far too excited when spring bulbs break the soil surface.… Read More »Spring 2015: so far so good

Ruminations: Spring 2015

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Tag line: I’ll never top the success of Swamp Donkey so I’m not going to even try.  I haven’t written anything apart from ‘To do’ lists in over 1 month. I could fib and say that this is because it is March, one of the busiest gardening months, Spring is… Read More »Ruminations: Spring 2015

Swamp Donkey

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The exact origins of Swamp Donkey have been lost as time has passed but it is believed that she was discovered in a field near Salisbury in around 2002.  Swamp Donkey appears annually in approximately November and can be sighted regularly through the winter months. If the winter is followed… Read More »Swamp Donkey